Saturday, March 10, 2018

Google Mail Merge

Mail merge is a function that is very useful when you want to send a email message to a group of people but each with a personalized content in it. For example, you want to address each receipient by their first name, you want to include their address in the email, you want to include a personalized message, etc. want to learn more? here >>>

Watch a youtube video to learn more:

Here is step by step guidance:
1. Download Mail Merge Add-on: Mail Merge with Attachments:
2. Convert Google Sheet to a Mail Merge Sheet by going to: Add-ons > Mail Merge with Attachments > Create Merge Template
3. Add data to the template
4. For contacts information, you can enter them manually or go to Google contacts to select a group of contacts,  or select multiple contacts and create a new Google contact group to add to the template
5. to bring in Google contacts, go to Add-on > Mail Merge with Attachments > Import Google Contacts
6. Add new columns to include personalized content, for example, address, etc.
7. Type in personalize content to the added new columns
8. To add attached files (can be different for each person), go to the document to be attached, right click and select "Get Link", paste the link into the Attached File field. Multiple files can be attached by paste multiple links in the cell, separated by a comma. Alternatively, you can use the menu: Add-ons > Mail Merge with Attachments > Add file attachments - multiple files can be selected and the links will be automatically added
9. Schedule the delivery of the mail: go to "Scheduled Date" column and enter the date and time when the mail will be delivered, using this format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss, e.g., 2/16/2018 10:00:00. If this field is left black, the mesage will be delivered instantly.
10. Select "Add-ons > Mail Merge with Attachments > Configure Mail Merge and populate each field accordingly
11. To create an email html template, use double brackets{{variable}} to include the variable, i.e. the colume name, in your message. This will change for each email you send.
12. Use Run Mail Merge to send or schedule the email.
13. When Mail Merge is completed, the Status column will be populated with the mail delivery status.